In the wind


«In God’s name, by Jehovah’s will,                    

I defended my Land, Moses’ Land to fulfil.

Against the terrorists, against the conspirators,

I defended my Land, the Land of my ancestors.»


«In Allah’s name, by Mohammed’s  orders             

I defended my Land, I defended my borders.

Against the invaders, against the aggressors,

I defended my Land, the Land of my ancestors.»


«The gun in my hand, the Bible in my heart,

I killed people, I tore lives apart.

At Sabra, at Shatila I killed civilians,

I slaughtered  Palestinians.»


«The bombs on my body, the Koran in my heart,

I killed people, I tore lives apart.

At Jericho, at Hebron, with other militants,

I slaughtered Jewish inhabitants.»


«A blast, a smoke: I’m in the wind, in a moment,

In the wind, so many people in such event.

A blast, a smoke, then all is ended:

a world broken, a myth faded.»


«Now that I’m dead, I don’t have a form,

neither colour, nor passport, nor uniform.

In the wind just one truth in mind:

there is only one race: Mankind.»


(Titolo originale: “Nel vento” di Giuseppe Bullara.

Traduzione  di Gabriella Bassi e Giuseppe Bullara)


The dawn